
September 17th, 2005


Salão Nobre da Universidade do Sul
de Santa Catarina – UNISUL
Tubarão.- SC

Who is the speaker?

Vanessa Menezes Amorim,
co-autora, com Vivian Magalhães, do livro Cem Aulas Sem Tédio

How much?

APLISC Members: R$ 6,00 APLISC&UNISUL certificate
Acadêmico do Curso de Letras: R$ 10,00 APLISC&UNISUL certificate
Non-members: R$ 20,00 APLISC&UNISUL certificate



8:00- 9:00 – Registration
9:00 – 10:00 – Workshop 1
10:00 – 10:15 – Coffee Break
10:15 – 12:00 – Workshop 1


13:00 – 15:15 – Workshop 2
15:15 – 15:30 - Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 – Workshop 2

17:00 – Raffle

Vanessa Menezes Amorim é formada em letras pela PUC/RS, é mestre em língua inglesa pela UnB e possui o certificado CEELT Cambridge Examination in English for Language Teachers. Em 20 anos de experiência no ensino de inglês, lecionou em escolas públicas e privadas do Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul e
Distrito Federal, bem como nos cursos Yázigi, Britannia e Instituto Thomas Jefferson. Atualmente, Vanessa ministra seminários para professores e leciona no Colégio Farroupilha, em Porto Alegre, onde foi homenageada pelos formandos de 1998 pela sua dedicação, carisma e competência.

Note: The number of places is limited. Please reserve your place in advance
ringing 0-xx-48 6213047 and talk to the Letters Course Coordination Department.
We look forward to seeing you!!!

E-mail us! aplisctb@unisul.br

Teaching English in Public Schools: Mission Impossible?

Teachers who teach EFL in public schools often complain about difficulties such as lack of teaching resources, lack of motivation from the students and a very low level of proficiency, which makes it almost impossible to carry out communicative activities in the classroom. This workshop intends to show, by sharing experiences the presenter had in public schools, that although teaching EFL in public schools is probably one of the most challenging (and sometimes frustrating) jobs one can have, it is far from being “Mission Impossible”. The presenter will suggest activities which require minimum proficiency, as well as free (or very cheap) resources some teachers overlook.

Language games for all ages

Can you spell “fun” with five letters? Sure! G-A-M-E-S! Vocabulary games,
grammar games, speaking games... take your pick, because the games you will
learn in this workshop will give you plenty of options!

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